As I reflect back on August 6th, I am still overwhelmed by all the love and miracles. In case you're curious about the bride's perspective of the day-here it is!
I awoke on my wedding day to grey skies that soon turned to sprinkling rain. I expected it to be a morning of chaotic preparing, but since we couldn't do much setting up, it was surprisingly clam and tranquil. I remained calm most of the day, slowly doing everything I could to get ready (which wasn't much since the wedding was in my backyard!). Still the rain came. At noon Abi arrived to do my hair, and soon after came the photographer and a few other people, just like we had scheduled. Everything happened right on cue. It was surreal seeing hours of planning and scheduling unfold before my eyes!
Still the rain came. Vikki (a dear friend and wedding coordinator) kept coming upstairs to make sure I was eating and to tell me that according to ALL the predictions the rain was supposed to stop by six (but in case it doesn't, can we do photos inside?). I knew that, whatever happened, I would be getting married that day. Still, a little part of me died thinking about not getting married in front of all my dear friends and family. I may have come close to crying once or twice-but still incredibly calm. (I later heard that the groom's men were wondering if I was in a panic because of all the rain. Surprisingly, no.) I and the other girls were upstairs chatting, getting ready. It was really nice to spend so much time with some friends I don't see very often!
People did as much as they could inside-I kept trying to eaves drop to see what was going on (I wasn't allowed downstairs). I don't remember what time it was that I heard "We have tents!" My dad would later call it the "Voice of God" that called on his cell while he was at the barber that morning. A good friend, Jeff Braatz, said he had two 40x20 tents and did we want them?
I think I did cry watching from the window as about 10 guys out in the pouring rain move 200 chairs, set up two enormous tents, and move the chairs back. I felt so loved!
Vikki's predictions were right. It stopped raining about 5:30. When she came to tell me it was time to go downstairs I asked if people were here. She gave me a look that said I should see for myself. I looked out the window and all the chairs were full! I couldn't believe so many people came, despite the treacherous rain! A light mist settled over the yard and I happily waltzed down the isle to my beloved.

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